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​​We are helping to establish a higher grade of visibility into your supply chain workflows.

We are providing 5 fields of expertise to achieve the goal of visibility.

We start with workshops or studies and then proceed into collaborative projects.

Sometimes it is hard to imagine buzzwords like technology transfer or new solutions. Therefore, we are showing some examples below. You can book similar plug-and-play scenarios. We are supported by our network so that processes can happen quickly. In case you like to buy the components for your project, we connect you to our partners. We also help you while selecting the right components and products.


Workshops are also suitable before a project starts. Therefore, we also offer various formats for this. In the following, we show a few examples. For booking individual workshops please contact us.

In the following, we have listed example projects we are engaged with. We are happy to help you with your technology projects. You participate from experiences from different perspectives and get access to different experts.


Independently from our projects and workshops, we offer studies. Some we have ready prepared for you. Individual studies can also be commissioned. Examples are listed below.

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